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Benefits of Scheduled Furnace Maintenance

ICSNY • Feb 20, 2023

Homeowners know that preventive maintenance is important to keep their home’s systems running smoothly and efficiently. But when it comes to furnace maintenance, many homeowners don’t realize the benefits of scheduling regular tune-ups for their heating system. A well-maintained furnace not only runs more efficiently, but it also lasts longer and provides better indoor air quality.

Here are some other benefits of scheduled furnace maintenance:

  • Helps prevent unexpected breakdowns – by catching small problems before they turn into big ones, you can avoid an inconvenient and expensive breakdown in the middle of winter.
  • Keeps your warranty valid – most manufacturers require proof of annual maintenance in order to keep your warranty valid.
  • Saves you money on your energy bills – a well-tuned furnace uses less energy, which will save you money every month on your utility bills.
  • Regular furnace maintenance is the best way to keep your heating system running smoothly and efficiently all winter long. If you haven’t had your furnace serviced in a while, contact a local HVAC contractor today to schedule a tune-up.

A well-maintained furnace will operate more efficiently, resulting in lower energy bills

As a plumbing, heating and air conditioning supply house, InterCounty Supply knows that regular maintenance of your furnace is key to ensuring it runs as efficiently as possible. A well-maintained furnace will not only keep your energy bills low, but also reduce the likelihood of sudden repair costs due to breakdowns or other issues caused by neglect. Despite the initial cost for routine service, having your furnace inspected and maintained annually will significantly reduce long-term expenses associated with less efficient operation — talk about money saved in the long run!

Scheduled maintenance can identify potential problems before they cause major damage

Regularly scheduled maintenance of machines or vehicles can save owners a lot of headaches. By inspecting air and oil filters, brakes, internal components, and other crucial parts, any potential problems can be identified before they cause major damage down the road - literally and figuratively. Not only does this prevent inconvenient roadside breakdowns or costly repairs, but it can also prevent potentially hazardous situations in the case of high-powered vehicles or those used in industrial settings. Scheduled maintenance is an easy, straightforward way to keep machines running smoothly and safely.

Regular furnace maintenance extends the life of your furnace

Regular furnace maintenance can do wonders for its longevity! It's important to remember that having a furnace serviced at least once a year can make all the difference in how long you’ll be able to enjoy the comfort of warm air on chilly days. A qualified technician knows what to look for and can identify any potential problems before they turn into something serious like a complete breakdown. This kind of maintenance allows small issues to be fixed without expending a lot more money or time in repairs that could have been avoided. Make sure you stay on top of your furnace maintenance schedule regularly - it will definitely pay off in the end!

A properly functioning furnace improves indoor air quality

An important benefit of a working furnace is improved indoor air quality. Furnaces heat the air throughout your home, bringing fresh and clean air inside. Not only that, but it also filters out particles like dust and pollen, helping keep your indoor environment free from pollutants. Additionally, since the filter is filtering when the furnace is running, you’ll be breathing filtered air while your furniture and carpets are not collecting dirt and dust. Replacing or fixing broken parts on your furnace regularly can ensure that you’re always getting the best indoor air quality possible.

Furnace maintenance can prevent dangerous carbon monoxide leaks

Maintaining your furnace is essential to ensure the safety of you and your family. When furnaces malfunction, they can cause carbon monoxide (CO) to leak into the home, posing serious health risks. Getting an annual inspection of your furnace will not only extend its lifetime but also will detect any existing leaks and prevent CO from entering the home. It's a good idea to keep CO detectors installed in the home, even if you have your furnace maintained regularly––better safe than sorry! As long as you stay up-to-date with maintenance, there's no need to worry about dangerous gas leaks in your home.

In conclusion, taking the necessary steps to maintain your furnace is an important part of home ownership. By scheduling regular maintenance from a certified technician, you can ensure that your furnace remains in top working order for years to come. Not only will this save you money on repairs and energy costs, it will also give you peace of mind that your furnace won’t be a source of a dangerous carbon monoxide leak or poor air quality. Taking the time now to pay attention to your furnace systems can help prevent future issues in the future while also saving you money as well. No matter what kind of HVAC system you own, keeping up with its maintenance is key, so don’t forget to check in with a contractor every now and then and thank your furnace for years of faithful service!

Homeowner Looking For Reliable Heating, Cooling Or Plumbing Supplies?

Our dedicated specialists are standing by to help.

Most homeowners in need of new heating or cooling equipment will do an internet search to get information. Such a search will typically yield two results: what to buy or where to buy but not why to buy. At InterCounty Supply, as a wholesale supply house, we present all the options for what to buy and why it would be the best choice for YOUR situation. After all the options are presented a homeowner can decide for themselves what they need. ICS then has a licensed, factory trained contractor who SPECIALIZES in the equipment you need come to your home to provide the complete installation cost for the equipment you need. ICS will also handle all the paperwork for any rebates that are applicable.

Have questions, give us a call 914-939-4350 or fill out the form and one of our specialists will be in touch shortly.

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